Saturday, June 20, 2009

the usual blatant text

Oh my best beloved, apologies for not blogging sooner but my internet decided to mutiny. grrr.

i was babysitting in last night, watching Caspian (the only time i can watch narnia is whenever i babysit cause i'm away from my family). i counted all of skandar's lines. the poor hot boy only gets 37! he gets like NO screen time. drat. looking forward to seeing him swimming in VDT...mmmmmm, mr darcy moment.

man, i need a life.

i REALLY want a hp scarf. curses not having any specific hp shops in australia! i REALLY want a ravenclaw one cos everyone on the internet is practically a ravenclaw and has printed on their forehead in block letters "I AM A RAVENCLAW AND DAMN PROUD OF MY TETRIS SCORES". ravenclaw is the nerd house. but the only place hp scarves can be bought is in borders, and then only gryffindor and occasionally slytherin. never hufflepuff. that's the loser house =P

one week and four days left of school-related torture! i must inform you that i will not be at the computer for a week while skiing. sigh. no news from me for a whole 7 days! what a cwisis and twagedy.


the other day we finished basketball training early, so i decided to visit the boarding house with my boarder friend who's on the team. i got inside the room and looked around cautiously. i sat down on another girl's bed and noticed a fish tank above it. i asked if i could have a look, and everyone said it was fine. "What's it's name?" "oh, he's called rock." (it was later found out the fish was called vock for reasons unknown)

"um, guys? rock's dead."
"oh my god. we have to tell her."
"i'll put on some more sombre funeral music."

after searching around for the girl for 10 minutes to tell her that rock/vock was dead, moudly and fluffy, we finally found her.

"um, honey, rock is dead."
"yeah, i know" *laughs* "i found him this afternoon"
"and you didn't throw him out?"
"oh my god. that's disgusting"

i just about died laughing. in my head, so's not to hurt her feelings

"you didn't feed him much, did you?"
"are you sad he's dead?"
"no. not really."

oh my god. boarders. you gotta love them, however silly they are.

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