Thursday, April 29, 2010

my smart-arse debut

series of events.

1. I send an email to my friend with a linky-link in it

2. The school email that scans our PRIVATE emails picked up the fuck in it, and deemed it highly innapropriate.

3. I got an email from the Dean asking me to apologise.

4. I did so with 20 words of the day to show her what real colourful language was

I must apologise most sincerely and bloviately that the web address, which I found as a link and in my dishabille state did not fully take into account, found its way to you, and how much a wastrel and a scapegrace I must now seem. The address in question is an inpellucid literary reference to An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, my favourite book, whose main characters substitute the infamous word with another until the ne plus ultra of the book, where more extreme language is deemed necessary perforce by the persnickety author. The site displays images of creative bookshelf arrangements in disportion, so the literary inside joke is well placed. I promise that this thoughtless malversational disregard and misuse of private emails going in and out of my personal email inbox will not affect you again, especially where clandestine messages are involved, and I will continue to moil until this is quashed.

So, kids, the moral of the story is to show your teachers that your vocabulary is not limited to four letter swear words, introduce complex linguistics to make them believe otherwise.

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