Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, insaneandluvingit.

So it's been two years since I joined the site known as youtube, and to celebrate I have started uploading regular videos, mainly, it would seem, for the amusement of my fellow classmates, who watch them not because they think the actual videos are amusing, but the fact that I make videos is amusing.

But yes, it has been two years since I made up the alias "insaneandluvingit", before which I was a nameless entity who floated dreamily between usernames and passwords, not sure which would describe me. If you're wondering why I didn't pick the gramatically correct "insaneandlovingit", it is because this was already a youtube account for someone in Brazil.

Still, after a few 123people and google searches of the username I have become, I was suprised and a little intimidated with how much I've been spread online unintentionally.

Every comment, reference, tweet, video, account and blog post has been thrown around the internet with less care than the early bird has for the worm.

So, when you die, be sure you know what is going to happen to your virtual self.

And delete any accounts you're not using.

Because, as I've discovered, having a twitter, youtube, blog, second blog, third blog, tumblr, facebook, dailybooth, livejournal, history forum, narniaweb, leakycauldron, wonka, tetrisfriends, iminlikewithyou, second youtube and every other account you've ever made can be potentially problematic when trying to keep yourself to yourself.

The good side is that in a hundred years, history students will have plenty of eternal sources about the early 21st century from all of the accounts on all websites.

Happy worrying to you, and happy birthday to me.

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