Saturday, May 30, 2009


oh my darlings, how good it is to type to you at last.

yesterday was saturday. this is because it was the day after friday, but i digress.

we only had five players for our basketball game. for those lame peopl who do not play, it means we had no subs.

we were running around the court for FORTY BLOODY MINUTES! the opposition had enough people for 2-and-a-half teams, so we was thinking we was screwed. plus we were playing a school that's really good at sports. REALLY good.
our awesome coach told us to "zone". it helped. see diagram i wasted time making. they can't get in the key (weird straight lines and circle) and we get all the rebounds!!
how awesome is this: WE TIED!
they had two teams, we had JUST enough for one... and we tied 18-18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we were SO happy. and tired.
well my luvs, that is all. just tellin' y'all about our triumph.

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